Marumi ND8 Filter ReviewI recently went through the process of evaluating ND filters for an upcoming trip I am taking. In my search I had the following requirements I was looking to attain. Must be Glass There are a lot of brands out there to chose from, once you remove all of the plastic/resin filters, your selection is much smaller. Many people have their preference and will never go with anything else. Me on the other hand, I am open to new products, objective information and good deals. I should note that I have never tried any other brand ND filter so I have nothing to compare this to, however, I thought I’d just share my thoughts and experiences with regards to the Marumi 77mm ND8 Product Descripton Hands on Review The filter was packed nice and feels very solid. It has a metal ring with a dull matte black finish to it. The optics look great and you can see the effects of the multi coating when pointing it at a light reflecting a green and magenta reflection. Experiment Notes: This review consists of 3 objectives, review image quality, test for a color cast and ensure a true 3 stops of filtering. Image Quality Use this as a reference when looking at the other images. I should note that with the step up adapter attached to the lens, it is very difficult to get my fingers in to focus the image. I think I did a pretty good job of lining them up, so take that for what it’s worth.
I selected what I thought was a good representation for crisp lines. The printing on this bottle was better than the other and there is higher contrast between the dark bottle and the white label where you might notice a softer edge. As far as I can see, their is no discernible evidence of any image quality degradation. Color Cast Is it a true 3-stop ND
Yes. Whether shining it at a light, a flower, a white wall or my car, it always adjusted by 3 stops. I don’t know of any way to graphically display this other than taking a video using live view, but my camera phone needs a serious upgrade, so you will just have to take my word for it I guess.
Considering the favorites out there, Singh Ray, B&W and Hoya, I stumbled across this manufacturer while shopping for filters on Amazon. Searching Marumi I was only able to find but a couple reviews on Amazon and only a couple random forum posts. That is what prompted me to create this review. At nearly half the price of the big names, being multi-coated glass and a true 3 stop (a lot of reviews had the Hoya at 2 1/3 to 2 2/3 stops ) Overall I have been very happy with this filter thus far and in a couple weeks I will get to actually use it shooting real landscape scenes and not just flowers in my back yard.
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